Homecoming FAQs

On Sunday, October 21 Middle Creek will be hosting its annual Homecoming celebration. Not quite sure what all the fuss is about? We’re here to answer your questions!

What is homecoming?

Homecoming is a traditional southern celebration during which we welcome back former members and pastors for fellowship, worship, music, a meal, and more. You can think of it as a “church family reunion”.

Why do we celebrate it? 

The homecoming celebration is meant to serve multiple purposes. First and foremost, we use this opportunity to reflect on the history and heritage of the church and to enjoy fellowship with those who no longer attend our church regularly.

Secondly, many churches take time during homecoming to honor those who have passed away since the last homecoming by reading names and lighting candles. In addition, some members may choose to visit the cemetery to visit and tend to loved ones’ graves.

Where did the tradition come from? 

There is no real record of where or when the first homecoming celebration took place, but these celebrations have been going on in the South since colonial times. Homecoming celebrations are especially popular in small towns and rural regions.

What happens during Homecoming at Middle Creek?

At Middle Creek, the Homecoming service might look a lot like a typical Sunday, however the focus is very different. We focus on remembering and celebrating our past as well as renewing our faith for future growth. During the service we light candles in memory of church members and loved ones who have passed away through the year. Following worship, we gather together for a covered dish meal and enjoy time in fellowship with one another.

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered here? Be sure to drop us a line in the comments and we’ll be happy to answer it for you!

We hope you’ll join us on Sunday, October 21 for Homecoming!

Jairus SartenComment