Programs & Ministry
Adult Ministry
Taught by Lay Leader David Sarten, an adult Sunday school class meets each Sunday morning from 9:45 - 10:45. This class is composed largely of discussion-based learning with emphasis on relevant topics including, but not limited to core Methodist beliefs, spiritual growth, and practicing faith in today's society. All are welcome to attend!
Kids & Teens Ministry
Sunday school classes are available each Sunday morning from 9:45 - 10:45 while adult classes are also in session. We have classes for children and teens of all ages. During class, children will experience lessons and activities that teach biblical principles and engage them in thoughtful, age-appropriate discussions on Christian living and how we can apply the Bible's teachings to our daily lives.
Community Outreach
Middle Creek is always looking to find new ways to give back to the community. Over the years, we have been involved in many community ministries such as providing free community meals, supporting missionary efforts at home and abroad, donating to local nonprofit organizations, and collecting supplies needed for disaster relief efforts.
Our Mission
To be disciples of Christ dedicated to sharing God's Word and love throughout our community and the world by serving, nurturing, teaching, and preaching the glory of God.

Meet the Pastor
Though he was raised in church by his parents and grandparents, it wasn’t until about 30 years later in life that Bruce felt and answered God’s call into ministry. He took his first step into ministry in 2001, when he came forward and shared this calling with others at an annual Resurrection event.
Not long after, he and Melanie began to produce youth events and are blessed to this day to be a part of Resurrection, Hearts on Fire, Accelerant, Revolution, Warmth in Winter, YouthQuest, Divine Rhythm, Winter Renewal, Winterfest, and more. Although his ministry keeps him busy, Bruce enjoys spending his free time with Melanie, their granddaughter, Gracie Sue, and their grand-dogs, and even (believe it or not) helping Melanie cook!
Worship with Us
SUNDAYS at 9:45 and 11:00 AM
Sunday mornings at Middle Creek offer a Sunday School hour from 9:45 - 10:45 followed by a traditional worship service.
In a typical service, you can expect to hear Scripture readings, join in singing hymns led by a choir, and listen to a message brought by Pastor Bruce Adams. We have Communion the first Sunday of every month and observe various special occasions during the year.